
Painting Kits

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Painting Kits

Looking for a painting kit? We have an established history of curating kits for universities, colleges and charities. Using this experience we have been able to start providing introductory kits to the public. Our kits are great for kids, A-level / GCSE Students or even just beginners as they are packed full of the crucial supplies needed to get painting.

The Artway Watercolour Paint kit, for example is a great introductory art set if you wish to get into using watercolour paint, the painting kit includes a large range of high quality art materials and tools, such as our 100% Cotton Watercolour Pad or the Synthetic Mop Brush a versatile brush for both broad and fine strokes. All housed in a A4 s-tuff bag making it a great travel painting set.

For a new skill try the Chinese painting or calligraphy techniques using the Artway Rice Paper Roll, Ink and Brush Kit. Choose from either Sheng (raw) paper or Shu (ripe) paper to achieve various styles - Sheng for free-flowing and expressive painting or Shu paper for controlled illustrative work. Alongside the traditional rice paper roll, the kit also comes with 100ml of black Artway Chinese Sumi Ink and an Artway Chinese Bamboo Paintbrush.


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